E-Guitar-Lessons for YOU!


Whether in individual 1 on 1 lessons or with the supervised online course „Personal Guitar Training“

 - I'll take you to the next musical level!

  1 ON 1


Whether you are a beginner or advanced - it is important to me to work with you on your personal musical goals, having fun and enjoying music is the main focus.

♫ Mein Unterricht ist für Menschen jeden Alters geeignet (Interesse + Spaß an der Musik ist die einzige Vorraussetzung)

♫ Rock, Metal, Bluesrock, Punk, Kreatives Gitarrenspiel, Improvisation, Entwicklung eigener Songideen, Werkzeuge die du dafür brauchst (Techniken, Gehörbildung und Harmonielehre werden gleich in der Praxis angewendet) Bei Bedarf erstelle ich dir auch gerne einen individuellen Übungsplan.

♫ We can work together on your own song ideas and record them (also with vocals, bass + programmed drums) or work on all kinds of songs you've always wanted to learn!

♫ Der Unterricht findet in meinem Homestudio mit Blick in die Döblinger Flora & Fauna in der Peter-Jordan-Straße (Nähe Türkenschanzpark/Gersthof/Krottenbachstraße) oder online (Zoom) statt.

♫ Gut öffentlich erreichbar: Bus 35A, 37A, 40A, Straßenbahn 41 – oder mit dem Auto – (auch von Klosterneuburg nur ca. 20min).

♫ I am also available for you via messenger/email if you have any questions, and I am also happy to record video explanations for my students (included in the price).


Aktion für Neueinsteiger im Oktober 2024:

Die erste Einheit (45min) gibt es für euch um 30€!

Regular prices per lesson
1 lesson (45min) 65€
10 lessons (45min) 58€
20 lessons (45min) 52€
1 lesson (30min) 55€
10 lessons (30min) 48€
20 lessons (30min) 42€
Preise Ermäßigt per lesson
1 lesson (45min)
10 lessons (45min) 40€
20 lessons (45min) 35€
1 lesson (30min) 40€
10 lessons (30min) 35€
20 lessons (30min) 30€

Terms and conditions

1) Ermäßigte Preise:

Ermäßigte Preise gelten für Personen aus Haushalten mit geringem Einkommen* (zB. AlleinerzieherInnen, Studierende, Geringverdiener…)

*Geringes Einkommen: Laut finanz.at „Die Grenze liegt seit 1.1.2024 für eine Person bei 1.364,12 Euro, bei einem zwei-Personen-Haushalt bei 2.152.03 Euro und für jede weitere Person je 210,48 Euro zusätzlich zu diesem Betrag.“

Die ermäßigten Preise werden natürlich ohne Kontrolle – auf Vertrauensbasis – verrechnet.

2) Blocks:

10er & 20er Blocks sind innerhalb von 12 bzw. 24 Wochen zu absolvieren. (Reguläre Schulferien werden dazugerechnet – wenn ihr zB im Juli/August pausieren wollt, ist das kein Problem.)

Ihr könnt die Blocks auf einmal im Vorhinein bezahlen oder auf monatliche Teilbeträge (Dauerauftrag) aufteilen.

3) Terminverschiebung, Stornierung

Booked units can be canceled or postponed free of charge up to 72 hours in advance, otherwise they will be charged.

Appointments at weekends and on public holidays as well as reduced group lessons are available on request!


Individual online course with support

You want to get faster, learn new techniques and scales, an individual practice plan and personal support? - You've come to the right place!

How does the Personal Guitar Training work?

1) I create an individual guitar training plan (with practice videos) tailored to your needs and interests

2) You will receive tabs + notations, a progress tracking sheet and a pdf guide that shows you how to practice efficiently

3) I'll give you constructive feedback if you have questions or want my opinion on videos of your guitar playing

4) I'll check in with you weekly via messenger/email to make sure you're making progress and to help you stay motivated

Please note:

+ If you have little or no experience on the electric guitar, I would recommend my 1 on1 lessons - Personal Guitar Training helps guitarists who already have a year or more of experience on the electric guitar (regular practicing, playing simple songs).

+ No learning of specific songs (but many songs will be easier to learn thanks to your improved technique and new knowledge)

+ The explanatory texts in the exercise videos are written in easy-to-understand English - if you have any questions/uncertainties, I will of course be happy to translate them.


4 weeks - Training : 75€

8 weeks - Training : 125€

12 weeks - Training : 155€

Just write me a short email/message on Signal and we'll get started!

Fabian Kummer

Born 1990 in Vienna

Piano lessons (with Andrea Kummer, Verena Lohbauer...) Since 1996

Electric guitarist since 2005 (private lessons with Erman Askin, Nikolaus Blach, Stephan Kutscher, Lukas Krenn, music school courses, course at the Vienna Music Institute)

Active in band projects since 2010

More than 150 concerts/festivals and tours throughout most of Europe, including Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Austria...

Organization of over 50 music events in Vienna, including the “Feed your head” festival in the Viper Room/Arena Vienna, international booking activities for Triptonus since 2012

2012 First experience as an electric guitar teacher

2012 Co-founder/guitarist/songwriter of the band Triptonus

2013 Production, Release Triptonus - “Sprout”

2015 Production, Release Triptonus - “Triptonus”

2017 Production, Release Izzy Bash - “Izzy Bash”

2020 Production, Release Triptonus - “Soundless Voice”

2020 Zima - cover project with Olga Rybakova

2021 Further education: piano with Severin Chen, sold-out concert in the Arena Vienna

2022 Further education (electric guitar with Manuel Acevedo/Argentina, piano with Stefan Schwager), concerts with ELDER, release “Feat Respect II” (Canis Records - Benefit Sampler for SeaShepherd), tour booking for Triptonus, concerts in Austria, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands

2023 Tour through Europe with Triptonus in April & October, crowdfunding new album, album recording

2024 Launch of the assisted online-course "Personal Guitar Training"

My musical housemates

Upcoming Triptonus-Tourdates

Live-recording session 2022

  • ECLIPSED: “Triptonus drive a voiceless tribal rock sound that captivates and impresses with effective twists and breaks as well as groovy offerings.”

  • ROCKHARD: “The band creates subcutaneous connections between different genres such as oriental folklore, tribal percussion music, salon jazz, acid rock and post-metal.”

  • ROCKTIMES: “Triptonus is impressive. Triptonus provides special exclamation marks in every song... Triptonus is synonymous with surprises.”

Triptonus – Soundless voice

  • WHISKEY SODA: “After this album, you definitely have to keep the Austrians on your radar.”
  • TIME FOR METAL: “Soundless Voice is a very interesting instrumental album by the Viennese Triptonus. Songs in the field of tension between sensitivity, subtlety, power and passion.”

  • BURN YOUR EARS: “An intense third album that not only showcases the technical skill and creativity of the Austrian musicians, but also assigns the listener a task.”
This is what my students say:



I am looking fourward to your messages
